Thursday, October 20, 2011


Oh my.... I didn't realize that I hadn't updated this since June.... this summer has just flown by!

So much has happened, but I don't really know how to phrase all of it that would keep people interested...


- Wedding went well.
- Otakon was good.
- Classes started back up again.  I'm taking Accounting 101 (again), Business Computer Applications, and Intro to Electronic Media.
- Birthday was awesome.  Went with a few friends Laser Tagging and then I got kidnapped by Lena and De the next day.
- Work is still good.
- Started attending Epic Community Church right up the road from me.  I actually like it! I get more out of the messages and there are a lot more people around my age.

Weight-wise... I haven't really gained or lost anything significant.  Kind of sucks, because I'm scared I won't be able to fit into Sailor Venus by Otakon.  I did start Zumba a couple of weeks ago and I love it!

Other than that, not much else.

I'm such an interesting person... no wonder no one hardly ever responds to anything of mine....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Food Shopping!

Who knew I could get so excited about such a thing?
Especially for healthy foods?

Yes, you heard it, healthy foods.

Well, not completely healthy, but I'm getting there!

Things picked up today:
- Jello (Cherry/Black Cherry, Strawberry/Orange, and the Mint Temptations)
- Kozy Shack Pudding (Chocolate)
- Dried Mango slices
- Yogurt Trail Mix
- NutriGrain Granola Bars (Variety and Pecan)
- Planters Omega 3 packs
- Yogurt Covered Raisins
- Pistachio & Almond ice cream
- Peppermint Tea

You know, it's not the easiest thing to admit you're a picky eater to anyone outside the close knit of your friends.  It's a rather awkward thing.  But, I think that it's time to actually start breaking myself of the picky-ness.

I'll post things later to see how things are going to go with this whole, "Let's change every aspect of my diet" type of deal.

Wish me luck!

Ear Candy: Heat of the Night - Aqua

Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm not going to go into major details, but let's discuss the aspect of drama (duntdundun.....).
I'm not going to rant
I'm not going to come off holier-than-thou either.

Things that "stir the pot:"
1) Trying to force people to choose sides in an argument that doesn't involve them
2) Not communicating to the people involved, then getting upset when they can't make it
3) Not being understanding
4) Constant gossiping
5) Posting on Facebook, referencing to events where someone has offended you, where everyone (including referenced people) can see it.

Honestly, I'm really sick of it, and I think it was starting to make me bitter. Especially on the second point on that list. And, I'm afraid that after a certain event is over, the "friendship" that is there, will no longer exist.  Something along the lines of #2 happened on Saturday that has utterly killed any desire I had to try and make things work out after everything is over. I have talked to a few people on this, and they agree with me.

But, Gran read to me an entry on this month's Journey (a woman's devotional magazine they give out at church).  Pretty much made me feel about this |  | big.  In so many words, it said that we need to forgive those that have hurt and offended us, just as Christ himself did.

You know, that's a hard thing to do.  Very hard thing.

I've been looking back on everything and my reactions to them have not been the greatest.  I've been a bit selfish and have snapped when I don't seem to get any credit or the blame has been pushed onto me somehow.   I've probably snapped on the wrong people, and I'm so grateful to these listening ears and always available shoulders (namely Lena, Tara, Jess and Aoi).  I want to apologize to those people and thank them for being so understanding about things, but it's Memorial Day, so not many people are online.

I was just reminded of the passage from James 1:19 - 20 (NIV) : "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."  From now on, I think I need to meditate on these words and keep them close to my heart as I deal with these current situations that have arisen in my life.

Speaking of Memorial Day, think of today as a day for thanking our men and women who serve in the military.  It is them we should be thinking of for allowing us to think and speak as freely as we do.  Today may have felt like the first day of Summer, but it is the Soldiers who we should be dedicating this day to.

My sincerest thanks go out to every person who is or has served in the United States Military.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Disclaimer: Before I start, I want to say that I'm a Republican, but I currently do not like what the Republicans (along with the majority of the government) are doing.  I will probably say things that will offend people in this, so, if you're hardcore for Obama or an extreme liberal that isn't going to listen to other sides of the coin, then I suggest you ignore this and go on your merry way.

I got the Sunday morning Baltimore Sun today. In it, on page 25, is this article "Hot mic makes private Obama remarks public." by Christi Parsons of the Tribune Washington Bureau. [Link]  It pretty much summarizes what Obama said when he thought the microphone was off.  Including the statement he made that was quoted in the 8th paragraph in the article, where Obama said that government workers are "Slugs and not trying to do their jobs."

My problem with that? My mother's a government "worker." A pretty damn good one at that (excuse my language).  Dealing with the things that she has to deal with from other outside organizations (which shall remain nameless) along with dealing with every different type of people, I applaud her for it.  I really think that it takes a certain person with exceptional skills to do the job she does (and I'm not being biased).

Okay, so there are people that believe Obama hasn't taken all of his vacation days.  Even though I'm not the happiest about this, I'll back off this point for now.

And, as I make this point on facebook, I wouldn't be surprised if I lose friends, the people that won't even make a point to visit me but will pass by my house to go visit others that live further away.  But, that's a point for another entry.

My main point is to plain and simply, don't insult the whole industry that has to back you (whether they like you or not) and does things behind the scenes for you by calling them "slugs."  Of course, there are people who aren't the greatest, but anymore, that's Congress, Senate, the House, and the Big Whigs of Corporations that give themselves gigantic raises while their companies are failing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Can Isolation be dubbed as a stressor?

Probably more like a fear that becomes overpowering that it practically starts stressing me out.

I updated my LJ more about it, only because I can control who sees it; whereas this blog I can't really.  Not that I mind, because this blog is more where I can discuss a general amount of things going on.  It's awkward though keeping a Journal and a Blog at the same time.  (I end up feeling like I'm somehow "cheating" on the other when I update one and not the other ^_^; )

I think my time at my church is getting limited. I'm going to start trying other Southern Baptist churches and see what can really work.  I need someplace that has a more open minded setting and have people from all walks of life.

I'm not a typical girl, I wasn't raised by two parents, I haven't had a boyfriend or a lover of any sorts, and I have some hobbies that people at my present church question (like my costuming).

I haven't gone to BIG HUGE university and had mommy and daddy pay for it (or, in some cases, most of the church). I'm 24 and I'm still working on achieving my Associates Degree. By the time I'm done with my degrees, I'll be hitting my 30s.

I have a unique personality and I'm generally easy to get along with.  That being said, I'm also very easily distracted.

I don't have any pets, but I have a few that I consider close enough to be mine.

I'm not skinny, nor will I ever be. But, I'm going to love my curves and work it to where I can wear the things I love.

I love planning things, and when I'm given all the information, I'll be so meticulous that I'll have everything to the last corner on the table cloth folded right. I've planned every Otakon room that I could and every year, it's worked out!

I've very rarely snobbed someone.  I try to accept people for who they are, because I would want someone to do the same for me.  You know that old golden saying: "Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated?" Yea, I've pretty much lived my life like that.  It pains me when I'm snobbed (like I was last night) and I begin to wonder what I have done wrong.

There's nothing I'm really spectacular at. I've tried doing several different things (as my resume will tell you) and I have found an interest in the Music and Public Relations Industry. I've found my solace in music and being around the people that I care about. I love being behind a microphone, speaking mainly.

I blast my music in the car when it's legal to do so. And I'll sing above it too. I have a lead foot and sometimes a hot head (and I've come close to paying for it too).

I find learning about different cultures, religions, and languages fascinating.  I'm particularly into the Japanese culture.

I watch Anime, read manga, actively listen to JMusic, and participate (as much as my budget allows) in the JFashion scene.

I love to roleplay with my friends, even though I don't get to do it enough.

Most of the time, I'm insecure.  If I end up following someone around, it's because I don't know what else to do other than sitting off in a corner by myself.

I treasure the friends I have outside of church more than one could ever know.  Lena & Ji, my lil sis, my otouto, my little bro, THE GROUP, my con buddies, Immaturia (what's left of it), and the several others I have day to day interactions with.  I can relate to them the most, and they are possibly the most accepting people I have met. We're all from different walks of life and we have accepted those. The memories I have with them are possibly the best I'll ever have and I keep them close to my heart.  I wish I could talk to them more and I feel horrible when we go for a long time without talking.

But, if someone should mess with my friends, I will stand up for them (providing I find it tactful and appropriate to do so).

Once Trust is broken with me, it's very very hard to regain that back. Even then, things won't be the same.

Don't you dare insult me in front of a crowd either. The minute you tell me that my choice in Anime sucks is the minute I leave you hanging for the rest of the event.  I'm not going to be very motivated to help you on anything.

I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I play Pokemon. In fact, I want to get through Black so I can get back to Silver and finish it. ^_^;  I can't draw to save my life, but I can trace!! I also do really good at creating fonts and writing.

If you can't accept me for who I am, then you need to take a step out of my life and quit bringing my spirit down.

...Wow, this went from a pity entry to a motivational entry... ^_^;

Ear Candy: Cage (ReMix) - Dir en grey

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 days later

Things have been slightly crazy these passed few days.  Not only have I been learning a new job, but I have been trying to play catch up and do everything else too.

I'm going to be dropping my Wellness Theory class, so there really wouldn't be a need to update this blog any longer. But, I think I'm going to do my best to do it anyways.  Maybe it will hold me more accountable towards things.

Stressors as of late:
- The Wedding.  Or rather, my part, the Bridal Shower.  I have yet to get the guest list, and I'm scared to death of telling the bride that, oh hey, since you didn't give me a guest list, I can't really invite anyone, can I?  It kills me because I feel if I'm in a darned if I do, I try to do, or I don't.  Nothing's going to be good enough.

- My Job. Now, don't get me wrong on this part, I love my job now.  Working at the credit union is probably the best thing that's happened in awhile.  But, the learning part of everything is still kind of stressful.

- Classes. As I mentioned before, I have to drop my Fitness class.  The professors have two different ways of teaching and handling situations, and it's driving me crazy.  One also proceeded to call me a liar, rudely dismissed me, and then make sexist comments all night. I ended up leaving early.  Bad thing is, I have to wait until next week before I can meet with my advisor and talk to her about the situation.   My other class that's kind of got me stressed is my Internet Technologies class. I haven't really done any assignments and I doubt there's not a way to regain my grade with that class.

Because of these stressors, I've been eating a lot more.  I stopped wearing my Pokewalker, so I've slacked off quite a bit.  But, I have the orientation for my walking class, so I'm looking forward to getting that started!

Life, man, life's happening and it's happening pretty fast.

Ear candy: The World is not Enough - Garbage

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Trying to catch up on Labs!

Long time, no blog! pffft, yea right!

So, like I said last post, I'm going to try and update some on these labs and assignments before work.

My SMART Goals
S(pecific) - I want to be able to wear and look good in a Sailor Venus cosplay by Otakon 2012.
M(easurable) - I want to end up going back to having at 31in waist and slimmer legs.
A(cceptable) - I want to feel comfortable in my own skin
R(ealistic) - I want to be able to fit in the bridesmaid's dress and not look so fat in my pictures.
T(ime-specific) - I guess it's the same as my Specific goal.  I want to look good by that time.

Lab 6A: Cardiorespiratory Endurance Assessment

II. 1.0 Mile Walk
Gender: Female (0)
Time: 25 minutes 38 seconds
Heart Rate: 32 bpm
Time in minutes: 1.5 minutes

VO2max = 88.768 - (21.4368) + 0 - 2.18055 - 3.8208
               = 61.32985 mL/kg/min

I need to do more, but I have to leave for work. Later~!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beginning of a new month!

Okay, so I'm really bad at keeping this....  I shouldn't be, considering this is for my class.

I haven't been documenting what I've been eating like I wanted too, only because of all of the craziness that's been going on these passed couple weeks.

I finished up my training for my job today, passing my first and second assessment within the same week of each other.  So, a lot of my time has been taken up by studying from these two exams.  While I have managed to start a semi regular method of cutting back on eating, it's been difficult.  But, since I started this, I've lost 1.8lbs.  I have been keeping my Pokewalker on me, so I'll list the days:

Today (so far): 2,786
Yesterday -1 Days: 2,011
-2 Days: 2,828
-3 Days: 4,550
-4 Days: 1,793
-5 Days: 1,400
-6 Days: 2,220
-7 Days: 2,273

I did end up getting over 12,000 steps at Katsucon, but since it was over 7 days ago, I lost the amount.  But, since I started with the Pokewalker, I have taken 102,936 steps in the course of 28 days.  After I write this today, I'll be pulling my Pidgey from my Pokewalker, putting in another pokemon, and starting my step count all over again.

Katsucon was good! Getting everything done before then on top of my homework was quite the stressful thing.

Unfortunately, most of my training and everything else has put me back on doing any classwork for a good portion of my Labs for my Fitness Class and the work for my Internet Technologies class.  I'll be bringing my laptop with me tomorrow to start documenting on the labs that I did end up doing and not writing down in here.

On the bright side of it all, I don't think this job is going to be anywhere near as stressful as the Music Studio was.  My boss is absolutely awesome and so understanding of everything! I couldn't ask for anyone nicer and more awesome! :3

All in all, I think everything is going to work out. Now, I've just got to get caught up on my studies and it'll be all good!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where has time gone?!

I can't believe it's been a week since I last updated! Things have been so crazy since last Saturday that I had to put a lot of my school work on the back burner until I got things straightened out.

What happened last Saturday? A serious stressor.  I was laid off from the Music Studio. I spent most of Saturday during the day making phone calls to my family, my financial advisor, and to my friends.  I ended up by the end of the day with this strange mix of relief, shock, fear, a slight bit of rage, and confusion.

Now, I'm trying to become stronger in my faith, but this was a serious challenge to it.  Tina still left a sour taste in my mouth due to her actions and her performance as a boss, but I'm not here to bash her (because I could go on and on and on about her), I'm here to improve my health and my self-esteem.

When I talked to my financial advisor, he suggested that I get out of the house and keep active to keep my mind from moping.  Well, Sora (my friend who's getting married in June), had invited me a couple weeks ago to go to the Bridal Show at the Baltimore Convention Center.  My goodness, that was an experience in itself!! For one, the only time I get to go inside the convention center is when I go to the biggest east coast anime convention, Otakon.   To see it that -empty- was a shocker for Lena, Sora, and I.  I did get away from the moping, as we concentrated on getting things done for Sora.  I ended up taking 6,789 steps that day - my highest amount thus far, and yet it's only half of what is recommended.

I really didn't do much on Sunday. There really wasn't much to do.  I ran the sound board for the 11am church service and got a ton of compliments.  I heard that there were a lot of prayers said because of my job loss, and I appreciate each and every one of them.  I took 1,656 steps that day.

Monday is when the blessing came. I received a call from a Jamai in HR at APGFCU around 3pm.  I told her  that I had been laid off and I'd be able to start immediately.  She offered me a 2nd interview on Tuesday at 1pm.  I gladly (and rather quickly) accepted the offer.  Afterwards, I was calling my family and my financial advisor about this.  Before class that night, I spent the rest of the day working on my cosplays for Katsucon next weekend.  I took 2,267 steps that day - not bad for mainly just being around the house. =D

Tuesday was the interview.  I went over my schedule with her again, and they were pretty much set to offer me the job of a Teller, they were just waiting on my background check. I was pretty scared, nervous and anxious during the whole thing, but I apparently let my personality shine through enough that they pretty much came out and said that they wanted me there.  When I came home, I began working on finishing my cosplays.  Gran came over to help, but we ended up scrapping a modification we were trying to do and settled on doing it the way it was meant to be.  I left for class that night.  I took 1,365 steps that day.

Wednesday was, by far, the best day of the whole entire week.  At 10am, Jamai called me back to tell me that they wanted to extend the offer of employment to me. I start my training on the 15th!! I spent 98% of the morning thanking the Lord, jumping for joy, and making phone calls to everyone.  Needless to say, I was on cloud 9 for a good majority of the day, even into my class that night.  I forgot to attach my pokewalker, so nothing was recorded as far as step wise.

Thursday was a pretty lax day. I ordered Salt on OnDemand and watched it while I was eating breakfast.  Awesome movie! I totally recommend it, especially to those who have a quietly developing interest in plots of stories that involve the Russian/Soviet Mafia (depending on which era) like myself.  I went to walmart and goodwill to gather last minute cosplay items. I took 3,665 steps that day - which most was spent in doing the 16in steps onto the first bleacher for about 3 minutes straight.

Yesterday, I took about 4,431 steps.  I finished up my cosplays, got my hair cut, went to Lowe's to buy one last thing (and to see people), and hung out with Lena after she got out of work.  I love hanging out with Lena.  We ended up talking in the Target parking lot for about 2 hours about pretty much everything.  It was quite amusing and hilarious.

Today, I get to meet with my "future sis-in-law."  My big bro's fiancee is in town, and we wanted to hang out with each other.  I'm so excited! I'll hopefully blog about it tonight (along with my step count).  Now though, I'm quite hungry and need to eat something.

My goal of starting my diet was obviously put on hold this week due to the circumstances.  But, I hope that I can at least maybe get a head start this week, and maybe solidify something by next week.

Wish me luck on my starting my new job this week!!

Current Ear Candy: Fragments of Faith - Lacuna Coil

Friday, February 4, 2011

Assignment #1 - WT&A

So, I have thought long and hard about these.

- I want to be able to fit into my bridesmaid's dress comfortably by June.  This means to lose a couple inches around the waist.
- I want to finally be able to wear knee high boots.  I have a pair that fit up to 19in calves, and unfortunately, mine are currently 20in.

- Stop eating after 8pm.  This means I cannot have any snacks when I get home from classes.
- Finishing drinking the full thermos of water that I normally bring.  I can typically drink about half of it.

Stress Management:
- Find another job.  It's a well known fact that I am currently not pleased with my job -at all-.  The stress level is constantly high due to certain circumstances. Once I find a job that is willing to work with my class schedule, give me anywhere from 25 - 40 hours a week, and pay me more than $9/hr, everything will fall into place.  My finances, my time management, etc. I had an interview on Thursday for a teller position at APGFCU, but I haven't heard anything back from them.  I'll give them a call on Monday to follow up.
- Get to bed at midnight.  Most nights, this allows me 8 hours of sleep, give or take an hour on some days.


In other news: I got my Pokewalker working! Whoo! For those who don't know, my Pokewalker serves as a Pedometer.  I have a Lvl 10 Male Pidgey named Thor strolling with me. [Yes, I'm a hopeless nerd].  From 1pm to 10:30pm tonight, I had taken 2,431 steps.

I'll be starting my goals on Monday.

Current Ear Candy: Sentimental Generation (School Rumble OP2) - Tokito Ami

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obligatory Introduction


I'm not really too keen about putting my real name out here just yet, so I will be referred to as "C."  Boring? Yea, I know... Those who know me on a personal basis know exactly why I prefer to only go by that single letter.

Who exactly am I?
Good question...

- I am a Southern Baptist Christian.  Grew up and still attend a church in Bel Air.
- I am currently employed as a Desk Clerk for a local Music & Dance studio.
- I am also a student at Harford Community College, majoring in Business Management - Corporate Communications.  I normally prefer to take my courses in the evenings.  I hopefully have just a year and a half left here before I move on to obtain my bachelors.  More about this later on.
- I am a creative individual.  I love creating things and then giving them to people to make them happy.
- I am a nerd for music.  I kid you not.  I listen to practically -everything-, from Avril Lavigne and Shinedown to Dir en grey and exist+trace to Kenza Farah and Ich + Ich. (Internet cookies if you can tell me what language each of these bands preform in!!)  I'll also be posting Current Earcandy at the end of every post, because I'm that much of a music nerd.
- I am hoping to obtain a career in PR, preferably in the Music Industry.
- I am the Maid of Honor for my friend's, Sora's (internet alias), wedding in June.
- I am an avid cosplayer.

Why did you choose "Ribbons to Roses?" for your title?

I went to a technical High School, and went through the Floral Design trade program.  One of the first things I learned was how to make Ribbon Roses.  Even though that was almost a decade ago, people still marvel that this can be done.  I still get the comment, "How can you take a simple ribbon and make it into a Rose?"  I pretty much want to take the ribbons (challenges) life gives me and make Roses with them (aka be successful).

Why am I creating this blog?

For this semester, one of my classes is Wellness Theory and Application on Thursdays from 7 - 9:40pm.  My professor wanted us to create a blog with our goals in Fitness, Nutrition, and Stress Management.  I chose to do an online blog because, let's face it, I can only talk to 90% of my friends online.  Therefore, I feel that I can be held more accountable towards these goals if I construct it this way.  I can also make it more ongoing even after this semester has ended.

I'll be writing these goals down when I'm more awake and can think straighter.  I do think that this will help me, because I have always been found of writing things down, making lists to keep things straight.  As one of my New Year's Resolutions was the ever-infamous, always dreaded "Lose Weight." But, this year, I intend to keep that resolution!

Well, that's all for now!  More tomorrow~!

Current Earcandy: Viola (Solo) - Najoua Belyzel