I'm not going to go into major details, but let's discuss the aspect of drama (duntdundun.....).
I'm not going to rant
I'm not going to come off holier-than-thou either.
Things that "stir the pot:"
1) Trying to force people to choose sides in an argument that doesn't involve them
2) Not communicating to the people involved, then getting upset when they can't make it
3) Not being understanding
4) Constant gossiping
5) Posting on Facebook, referencing to events where someone has offended you, where everyone (including referenced people) can see it.
Honestly, I'm really sick of it, and I think it was starting to make me bitter. Especially on the second point on that list. And, I'm afraid that after a certain event is over, the "friendship" that is there, will no longer exist. Something along the lines of #2 happened on Saturday that has utterly killed any desire I had to try and make things work out after everything is over. I have talked to a few people on this, and they agree with me.
But, Gran read to me an entry on this month's Journey (a woman's devotional magazine they give out at church). Pretty much made me feel about this | | big. In so many words, it said that we need to forgive those that have hurt and offended us, just as Christ himself did.
You know, that's a hard thing to do. Very hard thing.
I've been looking back on everything and my reactions to them have not been the greatest. I've been a bit selfish and have snapped when I don't seem to get any credit or the blame has been pushed onto me somehow. I've probably snapped on the wrong people, and I'm so grateful to these listening ears and always available shoulders (namely Lena, Tara, Jess and Aoi). I want to apologize to those people and thank them for being so understanding about things, but it's Memorial Day, so not many people are online.
I was just reminded of the passage from James 1:19 - 20 (NIV) : "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." From now on, I think I need to meditate on these words and keep them close to my heart as I deal with these current situations that have arisen in my life.
Speaking of Memorial Day, think of today as a day for thanking our men and women who serve in the military. It is them we should be thinking of for allowing us to think and speak as freely as we do. Today may have felt like the first day of Summer, but it is the Soldiers who we should be dedicating this day to.
My sincerest thanks go out to every person who is or has served in the United States Military.
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