Sunday, April 17, 2011


Disclaimer: Before I start, I want to say that I'm a Republican, but I currently do not like what the Republicans (along with the majority of the government) are doing.  I will probably say things that will offend people in this, so, if you're hardcore for Obama or an extreme liberal that isn't going to listen to other sides of the coin, then I suggest you ignore this and go on your merry way.

I got the Sunday morning Baltimore Sun today. In it, on page 25, is this article "Hot mic makes private Obama remarks public." by Christi Parsons of the Tribune Washington Bureau. [Link]  It pretty much summarizes what Obama said when he thought the microphone was off.  Including the statement he made that was quoted in the 8th paragraph in the article, where Obama said that government workers are "Slugs and not trying to do their jobs."

My problem with that? My mother's a government "worker." A pretty damn good one at that (excuse my language).  Dealing with the things that she has to deal with from other outside organizations (which shall remain nameless) along with dealing with every different type of people, I applaud her for it.  I really think that it takes a certain person with exceptional skills to do the job she does (and I'm not being biased).

Okay, so there are people that believe Obama hasn't taken all of his vacation days.  Even though I'm not the happiest about this, I'll back off this point for now.

And, as I make this point on facebook, I wouldn't be surprised if I lose friends, the people that won't even make a point to visit me but will pass by my house to go visit others that live further away.  But, that's a point for another entry.

My main point is to plain and simply, don't insult the whole industry that has to back you (whether they like you or not) and does things behind the scenes for you by calling them "slugs."  Of course, there are people who aren't the greatest, but anymore, that's Congress, Senate, the House, and the Big Whigs of Corporations that give themselves gigantic raises while their companies are failing.

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