Thursday, June 2, 2011

Food Shopping!

Who knew I could get so excited about such a thing?
Especially for healthy foods?

Yes, you heard it, healthy foods.

Well, not completely healthy, but I'm getting there!

Things picked up today:
- Jello (Cherry/Black Cherry, Strawberry/Orange, and the Mint Temptations)
- Kozy Shack Pudding (Chocolate)
- Dried Mango slices
- Yogurt Trail Mix
- NutriGrain Granola Bars (Variety and Pecan)
- Planters Omega 3 packs
- Yogurt Covered Raisins
- Pistachio & Almond ice cream
- Peppermint Tea

You know, it's not the easiest thing to admit you're a picky eater to anyone outside the close knit of your friends.  It's a rather awkward thing.  But, I think that it's time to actually start breaking myself of the picky-ness.

I'll post things later to see how things are going to go with this whole, "Let's change every aspect of my diet" type of deal.

Wish me luck!

Ear Candy: Heat of the Night - Aqua