Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christmas Gifts Post

I didn't forget that I would post everything!!
... I just forgot to take a pic of my mother's and my best friend's gifts...

Anyways, here's what I spent my Christmas break up to today on:

 Amigurumi Santa Claus: 
I made this for my Grandmother for Christmas.
This was the most tedious project I did all break.  He has a nose, a thumb, and toes.

 Amigurumi Christmas Baby Owl:
Made for my other Grandmother
I found this project in a little book and added the wreath in on my own.

Saber (Fate Series)
teru-teru bozu doll
Made for my friend whose a hardcore Saber fan.
This was the tiniest doll I have ever ever used. However, she turned out so incredibly cute.

Flower Scarf
Made for a friend of mine on campus
I asked her what her favorite color was, she told me lavender.  
I found this pretty white, teal, and lavender skein, did several rows of double crochet, and added two six-petal flowers at the bottom

Light & Dark Treble Scarf
Made for a friend of mine on campus
Several treble stitched rows of teal and dark blue yarn

Mrs. Pacman and Ghosts hot cloths
Made for my best friend.
She just moved into her first apartment and wanted nerdy house things.
....This was the result...
Found the pattern on Ravelry, modified it with single crochet on rubber rings. 

Imagine Sparkle hat
Made for my floormate
She loves hats, loves purple, and I found a pattern on Ravelry

Kinchaku bag
Made for myself
Found a drawstring bag pattern on Ravelry and matched the yarn to my kimono

Heisuke and Shinpachi
Hakuouki series
4 & 5/8

I do have a few more things to add, but I guess they'll have to be for later entries.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Not forgotten

Hi Blog-o-sphere! (Really? Who even says that?)

Once again, I think I'm going to change the main theme of this blog.  I have so many social sites, it's not even funny.... 2 Facebook (my personal one and my cosplay one), Twitter, Tumblr, Pintrest, Instagram, LinkedIn, DeviantArt, etcetc accounts.  I also have a LiveJournal,, and Myspace accounts, but I rarely update them anymore.

Anyways, I'm going to be focusing on my crochet and other crafting conquests.  I think it'll be fun to show what I have done.  I'll be leaving my writing on my Tumblr account though.  Also, I think I need to work on my blogging skills, so I'll probably be updating this more regularly.

My current crafting projects include:
- Finishing Christmas presents
- The remainder of the Hakuouki dolls
- A hat and scarf set
- Fate series inspired dolls

The Hakuouki dolls are an inspiration towards an Otome game released stateside last year. The series is based off the storyline of the historically famous Japanese group, the Shinsengumi.  It does have a fictional spin off of it, but that's for another entry.  Anyways, my friend, De, is writing her own spin off of the story where each of the guys gets a girl.  Each of the girls is an inspiration from some of her friends (including yours truly).  So, as a tribute (and because I'm insane like that), I've been making dolls to resemble each of the guys for each friend.  I also want to make a little doll resembling each girl to pair up with the guy dolls.  So far, that hasn't happened yet.

For Katsucon, De, myself, and a couple of the other girls from the fic are cosplaying our characters.  Since De's and my dolls are done, we were going to bring them along.  But, to be fair, I'm going to be making the dolls (without clothes - because they take the longest to make) for the other two girls so they have something to carry.  However, I'll have to take the dolls back after Katsu to make their clothes... ^_^;

I'm insane....

Anyways, here are the three I've made so far:
(left to right: Hijikata Toshizo, Yamanami Keisuke, Okita Souji)

These little darlings have taken me a total of almost 6 months to make, and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the whole group.

I have crocheted several scarves, a hat, a santa doll, and an owl doll for the holidays.  I'm currently working on a rather large project for another friend of mine, and another one for her boyfriend (who's like a brother to me).  When I get those done and given out, I'll post all of my Christmas conquests on here. ^_^

After those are done... I'm going to work on a hat and scarf set for myself...

Ear Candy: Whenever Wherever - Shakira

Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Be still, there is a healer..."

I have been pondering more of life in general for quite some time now, especially in the aspect of my faith.   Each time, I end up relating to the music around me and there are certain songs that God seems to put in my listening lineup that remind me of Him and everything that he has/is/will be doing.  Recently, there has been a couple of songs have hit me the hardest, "Blessings" by Laura Story and "I Lift My Hands" by Chris Tomlin. 

I had a lot to do last weekend.  Starting Thursday night after work, I was asked to help take care of my mom's friend's dog (the cutest Shiba Inu you'll ever meet) for the weekend, then I had to attend a rehearsal for the Awakening service.  Friday started with a 10 hour day at work and then the Awakening service right afterwards.

At first, I was a bit overwhelmed at the Awakening with a full stage, and it didn't help that I had pretty much fled from work to church, leaving me in a bit of a panicked, out-of-breath state.  During the service, my mood began to further deteriorate as I couldn't seem to get the sound to work out.  But, I realized that I was relying on my own strength. 

I can do all this through Him who gives me strength - Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

That verse immediately hit me right during the prayer after the first set. I was relying on my own strength and it wasn't working out.  Due to the changing of stage sets, I could only send up a quick prayer for help before my attention had to be focused on muting and un-muting mics and instruments.  But, when I looked back up at the stage, this calm seemed to wash over me.  The sound eventually worked itself out.

During the last set, "I Lift My Hands" was played. Usually, the song "Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone" sends chills down my spine, but "I Lift My Hands" sent goosebumps over my arms.  You could hear the entire congregation singing along with the worship leader.

After Friday, everything returned back to its normal pace.  I woke up, groggy, to head to work, went home and worked on making my Amigurmi project, trucked back to Bel Air to walk the dog, then went back home for the rest of the night.  But, during the entire day, I was humming, "I Lift My Hands."  I just couldn't seem to get it out of my head!  (Not that I'm complaining, mind you)

Today, there were things that happened that further solidified my relationship with this song.  After church and lunch, I went back to finishing up my Amigurmi, but I turned on Pandora to a Christian Contemporary station.  What do you know, "I Lift My Hands" and "I Can Only Imagine" (a song I've had an attachment to since my days at Centrifuge with the Youth group) are the first of the few songs that played. 

"Blessings" was a song that I had started liking when WRBS-SHINE FM started playing it. Considering the friendships that I have recently let go of, this song quickly came as a small comfort. Then, this morning, "Blessings" was sung by someone who came to our church.  The whole congregation fell quiet as we listened to her.

I have found myself humming both tunes without thinking about it.  While these lyrics are hitting home right now, it isn't just about these lyrics.  It's about using these lyrics to further praise God for all that He has done, is doing, and will be doing.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Longer strides

Wow, it has been awhile since I posted on here.  I've kind of been posting more on Tumblr then I have on here, since it does pretty much the same thing.  Granted, I have more a following on there, I feel like I can't be serious on there as I can be on here.

So, without further adieu...

I failed to announce on here that I was officially accepted into Rowan University for the Fall 2012 semester! It is definitely been an experience just getting ready for it.  On top of the ways to find $20,000 to cover for this year, it has been a process to secure rooming, get my health records up-to-date, make my reservation for orientation in June, and the list goes on and on.  On top of all this, I'm still wrapping up my last semester at Harford and trying to make goals for work.

To an extreme planner and an over-thinker like myself, all of this can be overwhelming.  In fact, I was pretty overwhelmed until I met with my financial adviser.  He told me that he would help me with what he could and, on top of the monthly budget planning, said that we would go over the different options that are out there.  Turns out, he was able to get someone in Financial Aid at Rowan, got a list and sent it to me.  I've looked over it with Mom and I realized more and more how much working at the Credit Union has affected me.  Names like Sallie Mae, Bank of America, Chase, etc popped up.  Hearing all of the stories I have heard from members across the counter from me, I hesitate to even consider them for loans.  I even admit that I'm a little more than nervous to even be dealing with the Government.  If I had my way, I would want to deal with my Credit Union.  The bad thing is, they don't do deferred payments, and if I ended up withdrawing out $30,000 (which is the max), I'd have to pay back over $500 a month while I'm going to school. Yea... that ruled that option out.

My financial adviser told me not to worry, to pray on it.  Easier said than done, right? But, everything else in my life has worked out by God's grace, so I should not have any reason not to trust Him.  I believe that I am currently on the path that I am supposed to be on; all of the doors are opening and things from the past are starting to make sense. I still do not know what the plans He has in store for me, but I'm excited for it!  I feel like He's allowing me to begin to take the longer strides in reaching my goals in life.

The stressor that keeps coming up is that I need to be in a Sunday School class.  To be perfectly honest, I don't feel like I really fit with anyone my age at my church.  Most are married with kids or their personalities and mine really don't mesh well together.  So, I usually end up in the sound/media booth, helping the Praise Team do a sound check before the 11am service.  Don't get me wrong, I love doing it.  I feel like it is my way of bringing praise and giving me experience.  It makes me a bit sad that when I leave for Rowan, that I won't be able to do that much anymore.  But, I'm grateful that the Praise team leader and the Sound/Media Committee leader gave me a chance and taught me what I need to know.  Maybe the next church I end up going to during school will need help with their sound? Who knows? =D

.... That was a bit of a ramble.... Sorry!

How to wrap this all up? I guess this blog is now going to be more on the side of my experiences while getting ready for the bigger kids world outside of a community college as I follow on the path the Lord has set for me.

It is going to be one interesting experience.

Ear Candy: Do It - Spice Girls

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Oh my.... I didn't realize that I hadn't updated this since June.... this summer has just flown by!

So much has happened, but I don't really know how to phrase all of it that would keep people interested...


- Wedding went well.
- Otakon was good.
- Classes started back up again.  I'm taking Accounting 101 (again), Business Computer Applications, and Intro to Electronic Media.
- Birthday was awesome.  Went with a few friends Laser Tagging and then I got kidnapped by Lena and De the next day.
- Work is still good.
- Started attending Epic Community Church right up the road from me.  I actually like it! I get more out of the messages and there are a lot more people around my age.

Weight-wise... I haven't really gained or lost anything significant.  Kind of sucks, because I'm scared I won't be able to fit into Sailor Venus by Otakon.  I did start Zumba a couple of weeks ago and I love it!

Other than that, not much else.

I'm such an interesting person... no wonder no one hardly ever responds to anything of mine....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Food Shopping!

Who knew I could get so excited about such a thing?
Especially for healthy foods?

Yes, you heard it, healthy foods.

Well, not completely healthy, but I'm getting there!

Things picked up today:
- Jello (Cherry/Black Cherry, Strawberry/Orange, and the Mint Temptations)
- Kozy Shack Pudding (Chocolate)
- Dried Mango slices
- Yogurt Trail Mix
- NutriGrain Granola Bars (Variety and Pecan)
- Planters Omega 3 packs
- Yogurt Covered Raisins
- Pistachio & Almond ice cream
- Peppermint Tea

You know, it's not the easiest thing to admit you're a picky eater to anyone outside the close knit of your friends.  It's a rather awkward thing.  But, I think that it's time to actually start breaking myself of the picky-ness.

I'll post things later to see how things are going to go with this whole, "Let's change every aspect of my diet" type of deal.

Wish me luck!

Ear Candy: Heat of the Night - Aqua

Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm not going to go into major details, but let's discuss the aspect of drama (duntdundun.....).
I'm not going to rant
I'm not going to come off holier-than-thou either.

Things that "stir the pot:"
1) Trying to force people to choose sides in an argument that doesn't involve them
2) Not communicating to the people involved, then getting upset when they can't make it
3) Not being understanding
4) Constant gossiping
5) Posting on Facebook, referencing to events where someone has offended you, where everyone (including referenced people) can see it.

Honestly, I'm really sick of it, and I think it was starting to make me bitter. Especially on the second point on that list. And, I'm afraid that after a certain event is over, the "friendship" that is there, will no longer exist.  Something along the lines of #2 happened on Saturday that has utterly killed any desire I had to try and make things work out after everything is over. I have talked to a few people on this, and they agree with me.

But, Gran read to me an entry on this month's Journey (a woman's devotional magazine they give out at church).  Pretty much made me feel about this |  | big.  In so many words, it said that we need to forgive those that have hurt and offended us, just as Christ himself did.

You know, that's a hard thing to do.  Very hard thing.

I've been looking back on everything and my reactions to them have not been the greatest.  I've been a bit selfish and have snapped when I don't seem to get any credit or the blame has been pushed onto me somehow.   I've probably snapped on the wrong people, and I'm so grateful to these listening ears and always available shoulders (namely Lena, Tara, Jess and Aoi).  I want to apologize to those people and thank them for being so understanding about things, but it's Memorial Day, so not many people are online.

I was just reminded of the passage from James 1:19 - 20 (NIV) : "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."  From now on, I think I need to meditate on these words and keep them close to my heart as I deal with these current situations that have arisen in my life.

Speaking of Memorial Day, think of today as a day for thanking our men and women who serve in the military.  It is them we should be thinking of for allowing us to think and speak as freely as we do.  Today may have felt like the first day of Summer, but it is the Soldiers who we should be dedicating this day to.

My sincerest thanks go out to every person who is or has served in the United States Military.